The song of the maguaré
Dújdulli's word of advice

Oct 18, 2022

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The short documentary “The song of the maguaré. Dújdulli's word of advice” was filmed in 2022 in the Providencia Nueva and La Chorrera communities, in the Colombian Amazon. The film portrays the knowledge of Dújdulli, Benito Atiepa Teteye Jechi, a 77-year-old leader of the Íñeje (Canangucho) Clan of the Bora indigenous people. Benito warns that the climate crisis and exploitation of the Amazon rainforest are changing the ecological calendar, putting the food security of their communities at risk.

Every dawn, from the maloka, Dújdulli plays the maguaré (communication instrument) to guide his people. Along with grandmother María del Pilar Botyay Carvajal and her son Joatan Teteye Botyay, they protect and sustain the tradition of one of the surviving indigenous peoples of the rubber industry with songs and dances.

This documentary is a contribution to the memory of the Íñeje Clan of the Bora people, as well as to the descendants Cóómímaríímu and Dújdulli.

Codirection: Vanessa Teteye Mendoza y Edilma Prada Céspedes
Director of photography and editing: Julian Andres Hoyos Pinzón
Poster design: Giovanni Salazar
Photographs: Edilma Prada Céspedes
Sound engineer and drone: Óscar Darío Arango Horta


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